Announcing The Publishing Game!
The Publishing Game series for authors and publishers is a step-by-step how-to that takes you from manuscript... to printed book... to agent... to bestseller! In these three great books you'll learn how to:
The Publishing Game: Publish a Book in 30 Days
- Prepare your manuscript
- Obtain an ISBN number for your book
- Submit your book to key directories so that bookstores
and libraries can find it
- Get Library of Congress cataloging data for your
book (it's not so easy!)
- Design your book cover to make it sell more books
- Find a great cover artist
- Find a printer
- Get your book sold by bookstores and libraries
- ... and much more!
The Publishing Game: Find an Agent in 30 Days
- Prepare your manuscript for an agent
- Create the sales pitch you'll use to hook an agent:
- The marketing facts you'll need
- How to sell yourself as an author
- Find the right agent for your book
- Negotiate your best deal
- ... and much more!
The Publishing Game: Bestseller in 30 Days
- Get your book featured in national magazines
- Win a BookSense award
- Find the best way to be stocked in chain stores
- Get your book distributed through Library Approval Plans
- Sell your book to corporations, book clubs, catalogs
- Create a knock ‘em dead print and broadcast publicity campaign
- Organize a speaking tour that actually sells books
- Syndicate yourself, create special reports, and sell via
an email newsletter
- ... and much more!
What people are saying about The Publishing Game: Bestseller in 30 Days
“The Publishing Game [Bestseller in 30 Days] provides a day-by-day
book promotion outline that will accurately lead you every step of the
way. Now you can be assured that you are doing every possible thing
to promote your book and you are doing it in the right order. This
book IS your marketing plan.”
- Dan Poynter, The Self-Publishing Manual
“If anyone can make a game out of publishing, Fern Reiss can.
I wish more publishers would not only follow her step-by-step lesson
plan but read this book BEFORE they start rolling the publishing dice.”
- Jan Nathan, Executive Director, Publishers Marketing Association
“A very useful step-by-step overview of the daunting task
of getting published.”
- Carl Lennertz, BookSense, American Booksellers Association
“Positively awesome! Every writer should buy this book.”
- Rick Frishman, Guerrilla Marketing for Writers
“A step-by-step, day-by-day roadmap from complete unknown
to bestseller. Packed with excellent resources. Follow
every step and your chances of hitting the bigtime go dramatically
skyward. Keep this book in the ‘use it all the time’ section of your bookshelf.”
- Shel Horowitz, Grassroots Marketing: Getting Noticed in a Noisy World